Saturday 8 March 2014

Karlsruhe Diaries...!! Chapter 4

8th March, 2014

Well, it feels good to write after so many months, I was brainstorming in ArcGIS when I came across a song on youtube, which goes something like this:

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

The original video was by Pharell Williams and this Karlsruhe version shows people dancing at various spots in Karlsruhe.
As I am counting my days for my departure from Germany to India, I am falling in love more and more with Karlsruhe, with all its trams, old Gothic buildings and amazing, fascinating Architecture.
When I arrived here 7 months earlier, I was all excited, and nervous, and ready to take on the world in my own hands, I sensed a freedom, freedom to be myself. Germany has been educating in more than one ways, one of the added skills being “cooking, before coming here, I hardly knew how to prepare a spicy Indian curry, but thanks to days of practice, I have finally mastered the art of feeding myself.(Though at times, it’s a disaster.)
Living alone all these months has made me strong, strong enough to face the world, and it has given me a new spirit. Though I miss India terribly, Karlsruhe is rewarding and welcoming. The last two years have been a blessing, after being a corporate slave for 2 years before that, coming into IIT was refreshing, a break from the monotonous and dull routine of a office life. I call it my 2 year vacation from life, and I am embracing it fully to the core.
As I go around and see the places, meet new people, I feel more and more enchanted by the mystery of the city. The same enchantment which I had felt when I was in Auroville. A new found independence, a strong will power and a never ending zeal to perform. I learnt how to cope with the loneliness, and to rediscover myself and my interests. The old houses, the Marktplatz, the colorful Kaiserstrasee, and the sprawling campus, at times this place is full of life, and at times, it seems empty…dull and blank. But I think all depends on the state of mind and how I perceive things.
22 days and I will be flying back to India, but a part of my heart will stay at this place.As much as I have missed India, I will miss being in Karlsruhe and exploring new things.
But, needless to say, a strange fear is engulfing me these days, the fear that my two year long vacation is going to end, and I wonder how the real world treats me when I am out of IIT. Meanwhile, I have errands on my mind, a never ending thesis , a pile of dishes to clean, and some more food to cook….!!
Till then :

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth

Because I'm happy


  1. Abhishek !!

    You are seriously an Amazing Writer as well. Keep Writing and Congratulations !!
    #Loved your Blog <3 <3 <3

    Thou Blog refreshed my thy Mind and made me feel fresh. :)

  2. The time in your words, haha awesome.
    I hope there's so much more goodness, memories and awesome people the time has to offer to you that every piece of paper that you hence write brings these earlier moments closer to heart as has always been..............
    Good luck!!

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