Thursday 27 March 2014

Karlsruhe Diaries: Going back home away from a home.. Chapter 5

28th March,2014
1:08 am

Till the Grief subsides and appetite is full...
I drink its ardor and the never ending depths...

Till the happiness ensues the promise of an everlasting mirth...
Dissolved in time...
Meddled with the mind....

Till the Poetry surges in the Poet's mind....
Till everything becomes omnipresent...

And INFINITE....!!

Well…seven months have passed…now its time to go back, as I was packing my things and cleaning my room, because the ‘Hausmeister’ is going to come for inspection, the first thing tomorrow morning. As I was clearing up my things, I felt a bump in my chest and a strange numbness in my heart. It wasn’t anxiety, or fear, or anything else. But it was nostalgia, the strange feeling which strikes you when you leave a place after 7 months.

A piece of my heart will be left here, in this city, among the people I met, the university, my accommodation , and all those exhausting but great Trips to various places all over Germany and Europe.

This is the place which made me stronger as a person and lead me on a road to self-discovery, and I realized that quitting my high-paying corporate job 2 years ago wasn’t such a bad idea at all. For it opened up my mind and made me free from chains of corporate slavery.

This is where I learnt how to be actually independent, how to cook and how to appreciate food and the energy it gives. And how terribly difficult and easy it is…hehe..

This is the room where I worked on my thesis, edited so many beautiful photographs, skyped with people who are far away from me this time, yet those who will be close to me in just 3 days, I have learnt to appreciate friendship and the joy of a cup of coffee with a friend instead of a lavish meal in a restaurant or a great trip to Paris.

I learnt how to say “Danke” and “bitte” for small and trivial things which we do day to day…

This is the bed where I lay helpless after my first migraine attack in Germany, and realized how my mother used to massage my head till 2am in the morning when I used to get terrible headaches, and how I kept myself awake till 4am in the morning, so I can give a call when its morning in India and before my parents leave for work.
And this is the place where I was on my own, to face everything, and to accept whatever comes.

Karlsruhe has given me so many good moments that it is difficult not to feel a heart-ache when I bid goodbye to this place. I am surely going to miss the old world charm of this place.

Its strange, how cities change with seasons, and how the colors transform themselves into a pool of memories.

When I left Auroville,last summer,  I had the same stinging feeling in my heart,and it had been just 2 months, because the truth is, you never know if you will be visiting that city or that place again in your life and this might be the last time you actually see this place.

 I soaked in as much possible in my mind. Karlsruhe will always be etched in my mind and heart, and I have two more days to soak in as much as I can.

“And here you come with a cup of tea,
Wreathed in steam, the blood jet is poetry,
There is no stopping it.”

I will always have mixed feelings for Karlsruhe, but surely I will miss it.
As I look around myself now,all I can see is a spotless room and my packed luggage, and I am all ready to leave on a new journey… back to my homeland, to my people, to my friends.
It was true when they said that “All good things come to an end”  !!

Only to give way for new good things which are coming on the way….!!

“The woods are lovely dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep

And miles to go before I sleep…and miles to go before I sleep.” 

Danke schön! ! tschüss :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Vielen Dank Iyer, for taking me along through my nostalgia! I could so very well identify with your feelings as the seven months in the new Land are about to end; since I felt similar during the last days in Darmstadt in May 2011. In those last few days, suddenly one would realize that many things will be left undone, many places unexplored; and who knows if you will ever be able to come back to the same place. It was pleasure going through your blog. Thanks again.
