Tuesday 14 August 2012

The Beginning at Roorkee...

3rd June,2012
The moment I entered the interview room at IIT Roorkee..for my Masters course, I was null..and blank…and added to that a deafening silence prevailed in the room.
The first question I was asked,after finishing the basic formalities of asking one one’s whereabouts and other stuff, I was asked by the lady interviewer, “Why did you think of masters after 2 years”
Without a slightest hesitation , I replied “Because I want to end this monotonous office life”. The rest of the interview was spent discussing about everything except Architecture, I guess  I already had enough of it in 7 years since I got into it in 2005, and that Every other thing included discussions about my poetry,writing skills, my favorite poet and things like that…
One day later, 5th June, 2012 
We were given an interview rank in which I was placed at number 53, although I didn’t expect much from the interview, but nevertheless, I could not make it through first counseling.
It was a sheer disappointment at that time,for I prayed never to return to that 14” computer screen for making some irritating cad drawings, staircase details, core details and things like that…But I had to return, empty handed, In class X we read a story called “God sees the Truth but Waits” .God saw that how willing I was to get through this, back to my academic life, but he waited..waited till 30th of July, to fulfill what I intended for.
2nd August,2012,Roorkee
Intrigued,shocked,surprised and finally having made it into IIT Roorkee, I was elated, as well as a little scared, what if I have lost my patience to go through all those rigorous submissions, night outs, presentations…and many things..i felt dizzy …my whole bus ride was a little frenzy, having left home for the first time in my life, I would be staying in the hostel for two years, that felt good ,because I could smell my freedom and embrace it with both hands J
"One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs, or the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls."
“I embrace this new world,
Gifted to me wrapped and treasured..
I unfold that paper and pen..
To write a new verse in my Book..”

Well..two years and I have a lot to explore, I loved the campus, quite…serene…away from that hustle bustle of NCR…which made me sick every time I travelled two hours for office..
Settling in hostel was quite easy…courtesy my new friends.. “Devils in disguise”…!! J On Sunday evening I attended the evening mass at the campus church and loved it there, the melodious choirs, the chimes promised a time that is blessed, and good.

The next few days were spent sleepless,owing to those “Ivory Demons”…Surface development blocks which we had to make with ivory sheets, and that is a mammoth task for someone who hasn’t been in touch with all this cutting and pasting for 2 long years, and the icing on the cake,,,just today all our blocks were remarked as “poor” by our professor…<sigh>..but that’s another story..nevertheless..we managed to make them…!!And as I write this…my eyes are bloodshot due to lack of sleep…!!

The sleepless nights were followed by tedious …long lectures today ,which have added to my exhaustion, but I am falling in love with this place…the charm…the closeness to serenity, and a silence ,which one can never get in a city like Ghaziabad.

I can’t wait for writing page after page of verses in this serenity..and this is just the beginning.


  1. It is wonderful how beautifully u have given words to feelings... Looking forward to more of it!

  2. like like...!!
    great expression of ur thoughts through words....!!!
    All d best 4 ur new phase of life...!!
