Thursday 26 January 2012

Fifteen Minutes...

8th June,2010

“That’s it”??
I exclaimed at the end of my Thesis Jury….The jury members were surprised…
One of them asked-“You have anything else to show??”
I was shocked…I I have 77 sheets in all,with 3d views and a king sized model..and all I had was a 15 minute all seemed like a formality, a dream
Fifteen minutes before..i was just K.V.Abhishek,just another Architecture student,trying to defend my design in jury..but now
I am Ar.K.V.Abhishek…The journey from a student to an Architect covered in just fifteen minutes…???
The past six months have been hectic, with nights filled with continuous cups of coffee…cigarettes ,Facebook status updates and Phonecalls…it all seems a long while ago now…when I came to this college …a shy..twelfth grade student..fresh out of school..missing my school friends and trying to adjust to this place…and time has fled by….leaving behind chapters and chapters of memories…NASA trips,frustrations..tears…and friends….but those fifteen minutes encompassed all the feelings and those five years…I am an Architect now…

“Master of this Blissful fate
To design to create”

Now…at the end of these five years…I am at the process of joining this rat race….no more fun filled moments…no more nightouts..submissions…But now the whole world will be taking a “Crit” on my designs….To be sucks at this time…job….interviews…ughhh….How bad can life get??
After my jury ended..i had mixed feelings about everything….my…friends….but now..i am dumb..just going with the flow…no matter how much I hated my college during these five years..but still I miss it…I miss working and getting frustrated….
But alas….all good things come to an end….and God knows what he has in store for me….but for now…and for the rest of my life…
The question is ..
Am I really??
“Master of a Blissful fate
To design,to create”???

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