Thursday 16 August 2012

Roorkee Chapters...!!

17th August,2012, 2:26am, Roorkee

Well…feeling beautiful …a peaceful night..alone in my hostel room, and just typing pieces of verse after verse of poetry and prose.I would begin this with some of my favourite lines from Sylvia Plath’s Kindness.

“And here you come,with a cup of tea,
Wreathed in steam,the blood jet is poetry,
There is no stopping it”

It is said that you make friends by your choice, or by destiny, or by circumstances…or it just happens and you don’t realize it.
While I write this, I just came back an hour ago from one of my friend’s room, where we were having a chit chat session since 11pm…!!Balu Joseph..or simply called as Balu ..happened to be the first person whom I met at the IIT campus, well..Incidentally, I met him in SPA…when we were waiting for our interview in that hot and humid cubicles called classrooms… I heard some people talking in Malayalam,
So I grew curious happens to be curious when one hears their native language, just that in my case, I call myself “Customized” J
Born and brought up in Ghaziabad, parents from Kerela…actually only geographically, where our village had tamil immigrants, so our tamil is quite influenced by the Malayalam vocabulary, so..i can understand Malayalam but cant speak it..(as Balu says.. “You don’t understand..but only pretend to understand”.
This year, IIT has been quite partial to keralites ..hehe…a total of 7 keralites..if you include me…!!

The first night, I entered IIT hostel, Jawahar bhawan, I couldn’t get the hostel room keys and had to spend the night in the shabby waiting room, It was Balu who came to my aid ,and talked to the security guard, and I had to play the part time job of a translator, because Balu found it difficult to catch up with the pure hindi which that guard spoke…!!
So…a variety of languages…variety of people…!!Thank god, man invented English..which has a universal appeal…!!

Well..well…The second Mallu “Dibin Rasool” seems to be the “soft target” (as I named him) for most of our jokes…!!Shy…and if one listens to his hindi…then one cannot believe that he was a hindi Topper in school… (I hope don’t kill me for that one)
So..Balu is the studious one..and Dibin is the soft target.

Enter our Gold medalist,,,Mr.Nitish Chandra Sharma from Patna…!!Lethargic…!!Lazy…Sleepy…Dumbhead….but nevertheless…good at heart…!!!
We nicknamed him “Gold” ….!!
Then the third Mallu… Mr.Sangeeth Sudarshanan Pillai….!! A Devil in Disguise…Noise personified….But mind you…he has got brains….!! Added to my agony…always making fun of me being a half-mallu…!! “The Devil wears red rims” is what he remarked on me…!!
But the devil wears a “Michigan Cap” and sometimes a veshti …!! Well..Mr.Pillai?? :P:P

Mr.Debadutta Parida…!!From Orissa….well..discplined…studious….Our very own Central Library is like a “Somras” …the immortal nectar for him…he can skip dinner in the mess,,,but  a daily trip to the central Library is a must in his routine…

Mr.Manjul Pratap Singh…!! “Manju didi” My smoking partner…!!:)Turning the empty cigarette packs into ashtrays….!!His day isn’t complete without paying homage to the CBRI canteen,,,!!And a Classic regular with a tea…!! And quite fond of Sherlock Holmes series ..glued to his laptop…!!I call him the gadget freak of Jawahar Bhawan…!!As I don’t get a word when he comes to explaining complicated and fearful sounding things about laptops and phones and data cards…!!

People say that the first friends you make at a place…stay with you forever…Perhaps I am lucky to have found that comfort factor away from my home….!!in my second home..for two years…!!

I believe that there is more to come…more 1am trips to canteen,,,,forcing Dibin and Balu to come with me…!!Or cracking jokes at Nitish every possible minute…!! J
And yes… our very own CBRI smoking trips….
For they are the ones…who are with me…in this home away from home…!!

And ashtrays of time,…and memories…!!

“And here you come..with a cup of tea,,,
Wreathed in Steam,,,the blood jet is poetry..”

You hand me some friends..some  verses…!!”

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