Thursday 7 August 2014

Manipal Diaries (1)

7th August, 2014

Roorkee,Auroville,Pondicherry,Germany,Ghaziabad and now Karnataka. They were right when they said that life is a long journey, and in this long journey, the most difficult part is to make decisions. My mother has been a teacher for over 30 years now, still I never imagined that I would end up as a professor. “Professor” ..sounds good. The word has a certain respectful ring to it. Thesis time in IIT had been a drab, specially after coming back from Germany. It was during this whole process of earning a master’s degree that I grew fond of teaching.

Well, when I entered the classroom during my first lecture, I was damn nervous and damn excited as well. Not to mention, damn scared, for I was supposed to take Building Services. A subject in which I was least interested during my bachelors. Now, after whole 7 years, I had to actually sit and study for this subject. Which, in fact, was a mammoth task for me. Well, the first lecture was quite good. After the usual introductory conversations, I began my lecture. And soon, my throat started getting dry and tired. 

It was then when I realized that teaching is not at all easy.
To make lecture plans, time tables, schedules, and to convince students and to impart substantial amount of knowledge to them, is in fact, a great task.
I came here to discover the joy of teaching and ended up discovering knowledge…in altogether a new manner.Its a nice , beautiful campus with continuous rains …at times it gets irritating.
Its 9a.m when I usually begin my lectures, and at the beginning of every lecture, I am nervous, as well as excited. Its good to be at the other side of the table, and to see all those nervous and excited and naughty faces smiling to me.

But , in the beginning I made it very clear to my students that since I am taking this subject after almost 7 years, they need to help me more than I help them. Haha. At times, its good to accept one’s weaknesses.
What I like is at the end of each day, I gain something. Though at times one can be a target of some very impertinent remarks by students. Like…in my second lecture, I was interrupted by one student that I speak too fast and they are not able to understand anything.

Can’t help, after speaking on stage all in my school life, in elocutions, debates etc. 

But yeah, the interactions are good. Though I am living in a shabby faculty accommodation with four other people, yet, it’s a good feeling to be back to classroom.

I feel…as if this is the beginning of another Masters degree for me.
Only time can tell what happens next, if I am able to impress my students or I end up as an utter disaster. :-/
So…finally calling it a day… Good luck to me !!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. good narration kv, more like my own first experiece in class.

  3. good going,all the best , waiting for another one..,
