Friday 17 June 2016

An end of an Era.

It truly was..end of an Era, end of a beautiful chapter called Manipal, about the circumstances when everything came to an abrupt end, i shall not go into details, but everyone perhaps knows by now. If this is what happens to hard working teachers, God knows what lies ahead and how many chapters i have to see.

Well, it was difficult coping up and to realise that the only world you knew for the entire two years has come to a halt, an abrupt end, an end to the honey heavy dew of slumber and suddenly you wake up cursing God and everything and everyone around you. But, as well said by Maria in The Sound of Music, "When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window". Well, in this case, i am waiting for that window to be opened, and finally ready for some blessings which aren't in disguise.

Music was the only thing which kept me going throughout this past semester, choir people were surprised, a professor joining the church choir ? Well..that was new, and moreover, the choir director is one of my own favorite students, :D
A greater part of the semester went in practising for the Holy Week, and i thoroughly enjoyed, it gave me a new family full of lovely friends for a lifetime, whom i shall continue to love forever.
And i discovered music, and the joy of worship.
But as they say, all good things come to an end, and so this too came to an end, my life in the church choir, and my training as a Carnatic singer, both. I still fail to realize the face where i went wrong, and i can only conclude that i wasnt.

So, anyway, i am writing this perhaps after months, and i dedicate this to my students who have been constantly supportive throughout these two years, even though i was senior in age, i could connect to them well, and they, to me.
How often does a student check on their professors ? whether they are doing well personally or not ?
I never did.
But my students did it for me.

I never believed in the pre-conceived notions about the hierarchy gap between professors and students, and i gave my fullest, and the students know that.
The last month was filled with numerous meetings, goodbyes, dinners with students and what not. But all for good.

Even though times were really , really hard, i was engaged in one activity or the other. The students made sure i met them for a long time before i left. Church people gave me a farewell. In tough times, all one needs is moral support and to be loved.

By all means, Manipal will always be a part of my heart , and although right now it feels like what Lord Voldemort might have felt when one of his horcruxes was destroyed, but i will be okay, It will all be fine. One can only console oneself by saying that everything happens for good and betterment.

If you don't accept changes easily, you can never make good memories...and so i move on...from IIT Roorkee, to Auroville, to Germany, To Manipal...and from here, God knows where.

But i shall find new horizons to explore and new students to guide, but you will be missed Manipal.
And the students at Faculty of Architecture: you will be missed too immensely.
Christ Church people, there is not even one day when i dont remember you all, keep me in your prayers.

And before this goes over sentimental, i shall conclude it by saying
Psalm 91: My God, in Him i will Trust.

And before this gets too long, i shall distract myself by watching another episode of Game of Thrones, for there is more to life than just working and earning.
So there it is: I am officially jobless and loving it and hating it equally.
