Sunday 2 August 2015

Manipal Diaries

2nd August 2015

Happy Friendship day…!
As I write this down, after probably months, I dedicate this blog to my students, who have been studious, caring, mischievous, hard-working and of course sincere.

This July 10, I completed my one year as an Assistant Professor in Faculty of Architecture at Manipal university, Manipal, even the name has a sweet ring to it….and its beautiful in monsoons. When I look back now, and when people ask me if I really wanted to be in teaching, somehow I tell them “yes”. “this is what I want to be, surrounded by knowledge, and young people who keep you young”. I also tell them that its all a work of “genes”, my mother has been a teacher all her life.

Yes, there are moments of distress, being a professor isn’t that easy, I have to be fair, friendly and be a disciplinarian at the same time, and unbiased to students. It hurts when you have to fail a student for poor performance, or yell at them for not being silent enough to hear your lectures, but in the end, you get to learn. After all, in this strange city, students are the first ones who made me feel at home. I had heard a lot about Manipal students before coming here: “Do not expect respect from them” or things like “spoilt brats” or the “typical manipal stereotype”. But all that was utter rubbish…

The students have been good in every way, just that you have to deal with them and do your job sincerely, while my co-faculty label me as being “too-friendly” or “too-open” with the students, honestly I ask you, specially the young breed of professors who have just joined, “weren’t you at the other side of the table just an year ago?” Who gives the right to inflict this blatant ego on others? Everyone has their own ways of dealing with the students, in the end, you have to educate them and make them do their work…to acquire knowledge.

The past one year has taught me one thing, “We cannot earn respect by force”. But sadly, for some people, wisdom is something which never comes to them in their entire lives. Just last week, I was watching “Mona Lisa Smile” starring Julia Roberts, maybe for a zillionth time. But what a movie!! Now that I am at the other side of the table, I can relate to it more.

So..even though there are lot of “labels” here…! “too friendly” too open or whatever, I don’t care. And moreover, at the end of the day, I am happy being myself and the realization that with enough courage, you can do without a reputation.

So here it is… a fresh blog entry..and I hope to write more frequently now.

So the students, on their way to become architects, All the best !! J Cheers J

And even though, it is hectic…! I love it…for the time being J