Sunday 15 September 2013

Karlsruhe Diaries...!! Chapter 1

15th September,2013

Hmm.. After all those long,tiring, full of emails and notices.. I managed to land in Germany, and this happened to be my first time in flight, the first flight was okay.. but minutes before landing,my ears pained like hell… and my head got a little dizzy, that was a valid reason to have 3 glasses of red wine in my second flight and sleeping for 2 out of 5 hours of my second connecting flight.

Well.. to begin with, there has been a huge packet of stories to tell, my struggle with Language classes, and the subsequent struggle to order a hamburger in McDonalds -_-
But luckily,people are quite helpful over here, and finally I am learning to cook, of course with the help of my other Indian colleagues, its not much work. The least I can manage is to chop onions and potatoes well. One fine day, I went out to explore the city on my own after the language class, the sprawling palace, the serene streets, hustling bustling of the trams, and finally I ended up in a bookstore with my earphones on.. a lady came to me , and I realized that she was actually speaking to me, and I was being rude ignoring her. That was when I opened my mouth finally to speak. I was a little conscious whether she speaks English or not but I went ahead and asked.

“Do you have English books as well?” She smiled.
“Of course ,we have, in fact, we have two separate shelves for English books,What are you looking for?”
Which was when I realized that I need to buy the Tangram book for Learning German level A1, of course she helped me with it and inquired about me a bit, where I came from, and what I am doing here. I was impressed with her gesture and welcoming behavior.
Finally after shelling out 16 euros for that colorful book, I went back to my room.
But of course, I have my own share of adventures wherever I go. This weekend I happened to visit a friend in Heidelberg, reaching there was pretty smooth because my friend was well acquainted with the city, and the train routes, but while coming back, he left me at the station and I boarded the train.
That was a slow train,(slow according to Germany standards), but I managed to reach in 40 minutes flat.I had to go to Karlsruhe Hauptbahnof, which is the last destination. I again plugged in my earphones and got lost in my world, admiring the architecture from the train windows. Then I fell asleep…
When I got up, the train was deserted apart from another lady who was sitting to my front. I stammered, and lost the track of time. The station was indeed, Karlsruhe but all the doors were closed. For one second, I thought that now I will end up in the yard maybe, but I asked that lady “Is this Karlsruhe Hauptbahnof?” She replied “yes” and questioned me back “Will this go to Frankfurt?” , I was too shocked to answer her, and I went to the door, when one guy signaled me to press the button to open the door.I did that and landed safely on the station.

But .. there were other things destined to happen.

Now, I needed to take a tram. Using a tram ticket machine can be a little complicated for dumb people like me, but as usual, there was someone to help.A woman, who happened to know English quite well.She told me that “Even I am new here, but I can help you”.
After the ticketing was done, the machine showed 1.30 Euros, and a message “Exact money please” . I put a 2 euro coin but it came back, then I put a 1 euro coin, and was unable to find any change, that woman even offered 30 cents from her side, but I realized that it will be too much of a favor, hehe..

Then she told me, “ you need to take tram S1 which goes till Marktplatz , which is the center of the city, I was so full of gratitude for her. “Thank you so much” I replied back.
S1 came… and I went in,stamped my ticket and sat down comfortably, then I realized..
“Wait a second..” I had a tram route map in my hand, I realized that I boarded the right tram but it was coming from MarktPlatz, not going to MarktPlatz. Three stations in the opposite direction, and I got down and went to the opposite platform, where again, a lady helped me with the directions. I smoked one cigarette to help me relax a bit…Ghosh…!! How dumb could I have been!! I would have reached the outskirts of the city.

Finally I took the tram and got down at MarktPlatz, after having a burger and coffee, I sat down again to smoke, with my packet lying at the table. This time a guy came with 50 cents in his hand, and asked me in German  “Kann ich einen kaufen cigarrette von Ihnen?” (Can I buy a cigarette from you?) .
Thinking it was too cheap to actually sell one cigarette, I offered him one for free, and another old man, taking advantage of the situation, took 2 cigarettes from me :-/

Finally I decided to call it a day, and realized that it was too much adventure for a day, and I better head back to my room and have tea.

Well.. well.. here I am…finally updating my blog after so long, and falling in love with the city…the palace, the roads, the campus…the people… J

Ich liebe Deutschland !! J