Monday 11 March 2013

Being Iyer…Part 3 :The Dilemmas of a Long Name

12th March,2013
04:51 am

Being Iyer…Part 3 :The Dilemmas of a Long Name

I am beginning to wonder and ponder over the fact that why I get the craziest ideas at the wee hours in the morning, and at this time, with nothing to do…actually lots of things to do…with the slightest and least inclination and willingness to do those things…I am enjoying laziness with attitude …!! Bang on…!!
There is a wasp buzzing threateningly on and around the tubelight..and to escape it.. I am trying to divert my attentions to other mundane things…like writing a lame blog,when I ought to be writing research papers…well well..who cares…hehe…

Well..recently I had to fill up my passport application, and so I had to figure out what my First Name and Surname was …including middle name..if any, the form clearly said that the initials need to be expanded, I remember how my juniors were ragged all the time and were actually given an assignment to memorize my full name, and I would tell them only once, adding to their fury. So I would tell them my name as:-

Koduvayur Venkitaraman Subramaniam Abhishek Iyer…. Now, I was in a total Dilemma, My official name is K.V.Abhishek, that is Koduvayur Venkitaraman Abhishek, Koduvayur being the place where my father hailed from, obviously being born and brought up in Ghaziabad, naming me according to Iyer tradtion would have been difficult ,as Ghaziabad Venkitaraman Abhishek would have sounded crazy, and Subramaniam(which was my grandfather’s name)  would be unsuitable for School purposes, and mom didn’t quite like that name, so my name according to the Tradition should be K.V.Subramaniam, as Sons are always named after their Grandfathers, cut the long story short, finally I was named as K.V.Abhishek, phewww….!!

So..back to the passport form , I am wondering what to fill in and how to fill in, what if the authorities misinterpret K.V. to be my first name and Abhishek to be last name? :O I actually had an argument with dad, who was all the time correct when he told me how to fill in and what to fill in…hehe…This was the first time when I faced the Dilemmas of having a long name , gosh….!!

I already had a hard time explaining my friends what my initials were, they cannot simply pronounce Koduvayur,,, in their north Indian toungues, so finally I gave up one day…and as they say in hindi “Maine sabkuch bhagwaan par chodh diya”.

Problem no.2 What if the authorities asked for a full-name proof?? My dad, being a perfectionist, had a proof ready, the Life Insurance Policy papers, but alas, only later on I observed that Venkitaraman was actually written as Venkikakaman and Koduvayur was written as something else….
I shall go mad for crying out loud…I tell you…

However, it was nowhere mentioned that full name proof is needed, and I had my PAN card for proving it, so I just have to wait and watch , what the consequences are… Swamiye Sharanam Ayappa….

There is a whole generation of long names in the family as I recently found out…. My maternal Grandfather(Taatha) was named N.A.Vishwanathan Iyer. That is Nurani Ananthapadmanaban Vishwanathan Iyer. All this may lead to nuisance sometimes, but still I am proud of that 10 feet long name that I have, and my Namesake, which is unique and sounds influential at the same time, and the whole irony of the story is that I hated the word Subramaniam during my childhood, and now I have a strong going facebook profile that spells out my name as “Abhishek Subramaniam Iyer” …
And I love it…

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